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Weston Diet...more than a diet

All inclusive medical protocol to lose weight and shred inches. We know the science and we have the technology to definitely take care of your weight gain once and for all.
With a strategic combination of different treatments all acting at the same time and in different ways we can say good bye to the extra pounds and inches.
-weekly MD Obesity specialist supervision for accountability.
-Nutritional counseling for weight loss and maintenance.
-weekly Body Composition to make sure you are losing fat and no muscle.
-weekly Lipo-Lean injection for nutritional support and increase energy levels.
-weekly laser session for body contouring.
-prescription for hunger control medicines if indicated.
We are looking for highly motivated people who really want to take their health and body to the next level.
This program is for you if you...
-want to feel young and energized again
-recently saw a picture of yourself and asked when did I gain all this weight?
-sit down and your belly is in the way of everything else
-your clothes feel too tight or you spend long time in the closet and don't find anything to wear
-your knees or back hurts
-you are not able to keep up with your kids
-your doctor told you that you have high blood sugars, pre diabetes or diabetes or high blood pressure but only prescribed medicines without addressing the main issue (nutrition)
I've been there and I know what it feels like but I also know what to do to get you on a better health and shape. Let's use all the tools we have available so you can feel comfortable in the process.
Benefit of the program:
-No counting calories or eating every 2-3 hours,
-Eat yummy and healthy real food,
-No need to exercise,
-No hunger,
-No surgery,
-No pain,
-Lose weight for good,
-Close follow up by a doctor who is an expert in weight loss.
Call us to schedule your appointment at 954-389-1800
Dr. Andrea Bretal M.D. Dr. Andrea Bretal M.D. Andrea Bretal, MD, is the medical director at Weston Medical Health & Wellness in Weston, Florida. She has more than 20 years of experience as a board-certified physician in internal medicine. Originally from Argentina, Dr. Bretal earned her degree from the Universidad Nacional de Rosario in Rosario, Argentina. She completed residencies in internal medicine at the Michael Reese Hospital in Chicago, Illinois, and at the Western Reserve Hospital with Northeast Ohio Medical University in Rootstown, Ohio. Her interest in obesity medicine began with her own weight struggles. When traditional strategies didn’t result in lasting weight loss, she began exploring the science behind weight. Today, she uses holistic, integrative approaches to weight loss, helping each patient balance their body, mind, and soul. Dr. Bretal proudly partners with other holistic professionals to give her patients the complete support they need for success. Dr. Bretal is passionate about helping her patients lose weight and live health

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