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I’m Ready to Get My Weight Under Control: Can You Help?

I’m Ready to Get My Weight Under Control: Can You Help?

Readiness is important when you want to make a change. When it comes to weight control, studies show people have more success losing weight and keeping it off when they use evidence-based strategies. 

At Weston Medical Health & Wellness, our medical director, Dr. Andrea Bretal, is a weight-loss specialist. Her interest in obesity and weight loss started with her own personal weight struggles. She takes a holistic and integrative approach to weight control, focusing on whole-person health to help her patients succeed. 

If you’re ready to get control over your weight, we can help. 

Weight loss is complex

To successfully lose weight, you must create a calorie deficit by eating less and moving more. While this is true for the most part, diet and exercise aren’t always enough.

Weight and weight loss are complex. There are many factors that affect your weight, like your genetics, age, sex, and the types of medications you take. Your hormones also affect your weight and may make it harder for you to lose. 

You may lose weight following the fad diet that’s going around the office, but you may struggle to keep it off. That’s because calories are only one part of the complex weight-loss equation. 

Professional help for weight control

Getting professional help from our weight-loss specialist is the best thing you can to get control over your weight. We don’t hand out cookie-cutter diet plans and send you on your way. 

Instead, before making any recommendations, we conduct a thorough medical evaluation so we can pinpoint all the issues that make it hard for you to manage your weight. We review medical and family history, weight history, and your usual diet and exercise routine. 

We also ask about your eating habits, stressors, food likes and dislikes, and obstacles that make weight control hard for you.

We perform a physical exam and run lab work to check for medical conditions that affect weight, like a hormonal imbalance. 

Our weight-loss specialist uses all of the information she gathers during your initial evaluation to customize a weight-control plan that includes short- and long-term goals and the actions you need to take to reach them.

Tools for success

Weight loss and weight control is a bumpy ride, and you’re going to face obstacles. When you get professional help for weight control, we provide you with the tools and support that help you overcome these obstacles. 

We offer many tools to help our patients succeed on their weight-loss journeys, including:

We also help our patients find an eating style that works for them, including help with the keto diet. If you're close to your ideal weight, but can’t seem to lose those last few inches, we can help with that too with our nonsurgical body-contouring treatment.

Are you ready to get control of your weight? We’re ready to help. Call our office in Weston, Florida, or click here to book an appointment online.

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