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Obesity Specialist

Weston Medical Health & Wellness

Weight Loss Centers located in Weston, FL

Today, over 30% of American adults struggle with obesity. If you have trouble managing your weight, Andrea Bretal, MD, at Weston Medical Health & Wellness can help. As a board-certified Internal Medicine physician and a diplomate of the American Board of Obesity Medicine, she understands the mechanisms behind weight gain and delivers holistic care. Dr. Bretal can provide a customized treatment plan for obesity that addresses all your concerns. Call the office in Weston, Florida, today, or request an appointment online.

Obesity Q&A

What causes obesity?

Many people believe that obesity is a sign of laziness, gluttony, or irresponsibility. But the truth is, obesity is a medical problem. It's often triggered by an underlying health condition or medical problem.


A poor diet or lack of physical activity may contribute to obesity, but many people also gain weight because of:


  • Hormonal imbalances
  • Emotional problems
  • Eating disorders
  • Medication side effects
  • Genetic conditions


At Weston Medical Health & Wellness, Dr. Bretal can help you get to the root of your weight problems. A qualified physician with more than 20 years' experience, Dr. Bretal has a deep understanding of obesity and provides the expertise you need to achieve a healthy weight. 

What weight loss treatments are available?

Many people try to lose weight by severely restricting their food intake. If you're unhappy with your weight, you may be tempted to try "crash diets" or fasting. But these approaches are usually doomed to failure.


Starving yourself can trigger binge-eating or other unhealthy behaviors. Over time, these yo-yo diets often contribute to weight gain.


To successfully lose weight, you need holistic, individualized care. When you arrive at Weston Medical Health & Wellness, Dr. Bretal performs an in-depth consultation. 


She identifies the factors that are contributing to your weight loss and works with you to make positive changes to your lifestyle.


Weston Medical Health & Wellness also offers comprehensive nutritional plans, along with:


  • Behavioral therapy
  • Medication to decrease appetite
  • Weekly follow-up appointments
  • Pre- and post-bariatric care
  • Nutritional supplements


If necessary, Dr. Bretal can also provide prescriptions. 


In addition to providing support and guidance, she knows that losing weight can be difficult from her own experience of being overweight and binge eating, making her more empathetic to her patients. 

Can holistic care help me achieve a healthy weight?

Many people believe that losing weight is a simple matter of "calories in" vs. "calories out." But your weight depends on many factors. As part of your holistic care, Dr. Bretal considers what's going on in your body and your mind.


She identifies the factors that play a role in your eating patterns and activity levels. During treatment, Dr. Bretal performs medical tests to check on your physical health. She also supports your mental health through counseling, behavioral therapy, and alternative medicine.


This approach provides a supportive atmosphere. At Weston Medical Health & Wellness, Dr. Bretal helps you feel confident about your mind and body. She also teaches you how to make decisions that support your physical and emotional wellbeing. 


If you're frustrated with yo-yo diets and stubborn weight gain, let Dr. Bretal help. Call Weston Medical Health & Wellness today or request an appointment online.