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Is Phentermine Effective for Weight Loss?

If you’ve tried a lot of diets and exercise regimens with no success, you may be asking yourself whether there’s a supplement or a drug that can help you get to a healthier weight. 

Weight gain happens for many reasons, but one of the most common is leptin resistance. Leptin is the hormone of satiety, meaning that it signals your brain when you’re full. In people with leptin resistance, this hormone is stimulated only after ingesting large amounts of food. This means that many overweight people are hungrier due to leptin resistance and need to take in more calories to feel satiated. 

That’s where phentermine comes in. Phentermine is an amphetamine-like prescription medication that can suppress your appetite and help you feel fuller with fewer calories. 

At Weston Medical Health & Wellness, Dr. Andrea Bretal and the rest of our team want to help you gain back your confidence and improve your health, so we put together this short guide on one of the most popular weight-loss drugs: phentermine.

How phentermine usage can help you lose weight 

Phentermine is an FDA-approved drug for short-term use for weight loss. Although the mechanism of phentermine isn’t fully understood, many believe the drug has an impact on the neurotransmitters that control your appetite, making it easier to eat at a caloric deficit.

However, phentermine only works when combined with diet and exercise. The drug doesn’t cause weight loss by itself. It simply helps you get full faster. 

Also, this drug is a temporary solution, so it’s important to learn as much as you can about nutrition and exercise so you can maintain your results after going off it.

Phentermine satisfaction rates 

Several studies have found that phentermine is safe and produces positive results for weight loss. You can expect to lose 5-10% of your body fat percentage with phentermine, depending on your starting weight and your individual weight-loss program.

Phentermine has few side effects. However, since it’s a stimulant, it may cause some patients to experience difficulty sleeping and concentrating. 

Who is the best candidate for phentermine?

Dr. Bretal may prescribe phentermine if you’re overweight and have difficulty losing weight and sticking to dietary regimens. 

This drug may also be beneficial if your weight is causing you health issues that need to be addressed immediately such as hypertension and Type 2 diabetes.

If you’re sick of fighting an uphill battle, our specialists are ready to listen to your concerns, answer your questions, and give you expert advice regarding weight loss. Contact our office in Weston, Florida, to schedule an appointment and find out if phentermine is the right choice for you.

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