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Help Kickstart Your Weight-Loss Journey with a Phentermine Consultation

Although eating a balanced diet and exercising regularly are irreplaceable when it comes to weight loss, appetite suppressants are a powerful adjunct.

Phentermine, an appetite suppressant, has been used in the battle against obesity since the late 1950s. And unlike the weight-loss supplements you see in supermarkets and online stores, phentermine is FDA-approved for effectiveness and safety.

At Weston Medical Health & Wellness, our specialist, Dr. Andrea Bretal, encourages some of our patients to try phentermine for weight loss. We outline what phentermine is, how it works, and who’s a good candidate for it.

Phentermine 101 

Phentermine is an appetite suppressant that belongs to a class of drugs called ‘’anorectics.” It’s recommended for increasing weight loss in the short term.

A study using 68 subjects suggested that the use of phentermine can cause up to a 10% decrease in body fat after just 12 weeks of treatment.

Researchers are unsure what makes phentermine work so well for weight loss. However, many suspect its effectiveness has something to do with a sudden increase in certain neurotransmitters. Phentermine has been shown to increase levels of dopamine, serotonin, and norepinephrine. This combination puts your body into fight-or-flight mode, which reduces your appetite.

Phentermine is well-tolerated by most people. However, some side effects may occur, including dry mouth, irritability, constipation, insomnia, and dizziness 

Who is a good candidate for phentermine?

The ideal candidate has realistic expectations and understands that phentermine is merely an appetite suppressant. Calorie restriction is still the key to weight loss, but phentermine makes it easier to cut those extra calories.

Phentermine has been used for decades to fight obesity, and it’s considered safe for most people. 

However, Dr. Bretal will ask you about your general health, as phentermine isn’t recommended if you suffer from heart disease, hypertension, or thyroid issues. It’s also not recommended if you’re pregnant or nursing.

Schedule a phone consultation 

Stress can cause a lot of emotional eating and weight gain. Therefore, you shouldn’t put off your weight-loss efforts until the end of the pandemic. 

Luckily, you don’t have to leave your home and risk getting infected with COVID-19 to kickstart your weight-loss journey. 

You can schedule a consultation and have an over-the-phone chat with our specialist, Dr. Bretal, to determine if phentermine is the right fit for you. And if you’re a good candidate for phentermine, Dr. Bretal can have the supplement shipped to your home.

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