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Healthy and Delicious Pizza

This recipe has been adapted from a popular pizza dough called "fat head dough" we eat this once a week on Saturday nights and its simply amazing! I hope you make it and try it.

These are the ingredients:


Place your cheeses in a microwave-safe bowl and microwave for 45 sec to 1 minute.

in a mixing bowl place, all the rest of ingredients and add melted cheese until combined, a dough like ball will form.

Use 2 pieces of parchment paper to spread the dough thin into a round or square shape.

Place the dough with the paper on a baking sheet in a pre-heated 450-degree oven for approx. 10-15 minutes until the dough starts acquiring a golden-brown color.

Carefully remove from oven and peel and remove top side of parchment paper.

Add your toppings of choice, in my case I do not use pizza sauce but instead I sliced thin some organic tomatoes and fresh cut basil, I also add sautéed onions and plenty of mozzarella cheese for the basic pizza. however, you could get creative at this point and add pepperoni, olives, garlic etc.

Return the pizza to the oven and bake until the cheese has melted, and it starts to gain some golden color.



Dr. Andrea Bretal M.D. Dr. Andrea Bretal M.D. Andrea Bretal, MD, is the medical director at Weston Medical Health & Wellness in Weston, Florida. She has more than 20 years of experience as a board-certified physician in internal medicine. Originally from Argentina, Dr. Bretal earned her degree from the Universidad Nacional de Rosario in Rosario, Argentina. She completed residencies in internal medicine at the Michael Reese Hospital in Chicago, Illinois, and at the Western Reserve Hospital with Northeast Ohio Medical University in Rootstown, Ohio. Her interest in obesity medicine began with her own weight struggles. When traditional strategies didn’t result in lasting weight loss, she began exploring the science behind weight. Today, she uses holistic, integrative approaches to weight loss, helping each patient balance their body, mind, and soul. Dr. Bretal proudly partners with other holistic professionals to give her patients the complete support they need for success. Dr. Bretal is passionate about helping her patients lose weight and live health

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